Saturday, January 5, 2019

Top Tips To Prevent Earthquake Damage

By Patricia Stone

Billions are lost due to damages and injuries experienced after an earthquake. Poor preventative measures are the main reasons people suffer fatal injuries and damages in the event quakes occur. Applying the right preventative measures is an effective way to reduce the rate of injuries and earthquake damage. If you are unfamiliar with the prevention measures used during earthquakes, take a look at the tips listed below.

First and foremost, find out if you are living in a region prone to earthquakes. Start by finding out if there is an active fault line in the area to determine your risks. The ground surrounding you may be susceptible to earthquakes, make sure to find out. Confirm if the region experiences seismic hazards like landslides, tsunami or structural damage when quakes occur. Make use of online tools to learn the frequency of earthquakes in your region.

Quakes increase the chances of buildings collapsing. However, you can prevent your home from collapsing if you retrofit ahead of time. This means you build supporting beams and bolt the house to the ground. Reinforce furniture to the wall to prevent them from falling in the event the floor shakes. Falling furniture is among the top factors that cause injuries when the earthquakes.

Disconnect kitchen appliances from electrical connections. Secure them in a tight position to prevent movement when the earth shakes in the event of quakes. Doors are other aspects to consider during earthquakes. They keep slamming when there is an earthquake. The most effective method to ensure doors are tightly locked is building latches. Fitting latches on doors especially cabinet doors is a sure way of keeping items such as files in one place.

Anxiety and fear are common feelings people experience when they think about earthquakes. To ensure everyone within your household feels safe, you need a disaster plan. Creating a disaster plan should be easy, all you need are basic supplies. Pack essential supplies like non-perishable food, toiletries, blankets, batteries, lanterns and personal supplies like medication. With these supplies in place, you can survive a quake.

During an earthquake, you are likely to get injured due to falling furniture and debris. However, you can avoid injuries and damage if you take caution immediately you feel the ground shaking. Avoid windows, the kitchen, and garage. These places are dangerous because of overhead items which are likely to fall when the earth shakes.

To avoid body injuries drop down to knees with your hands holding the earth immediately the earthquakes. Once you are in a balanced position, place your hands over the head and neck to prevent falling debris or furniture from hitting you. Crawl underneath a desk or table, but if you do not have one crawling against the wall while staying away from windows is advisable.

Keep in mind, earthquakes are followed by aftershocks. These small quakes can last days after the major quake, therefore, stay in safe spots to prevent injuries. Inspect your home for gas leaks or electrical faults. Avoid lighting flames which may cause a fire if you notice his leaks or electrical faults. Contact the gas and electrically company to fix faults to ensure you and your family are safe after the quake.

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