Sunday, July 17, 2016

Use Moon Cups Instead Of Pads Or Tampons

By Carolyn Phillips

It is an exciting moment when you discover these products. You are probably used to the idea of looking through the tampon boxes. You may try moon cups though with some doubt. The good news is that this product comes with several advantages. Some have had life changing experiences with the product. One thing that you will love is its simplicity in usage. It is time you tried this recent invention.

Just as the name suggests, this is a cup used during menses. It is inserted into the vagina during menstruation so that the menstrual fluid can be collected. This cup will collect the menstruation fluid, unlike pads and tampons which usually absorb it. The reason why these are a good alternative is that they are hygienic and safe. Bacterial growth is not promoted when using them. A vaginal cleaning is also enhanced. You can wear it for about twelve hours without having any leakages. Those who enjoy sporting activities can be engaged in their hobbies while wearing them.

According to studies recently conducted, it may not be a wise idea having the menses fluid collected by the tampons or pads. Thus, the menstrual hygiene products have come to deal with this issue. This is because they operate by fluid collection, unlike absorption.

Comfort and convenience during menses can be compromised when using certain products during menstruation. When looking for comfort during menses, you should use the menstrual hygiene products. They are safe to use. This is something that may not be enjoyed when using tampons. These products should be considered when concerned with taking care of the surroundings. This is because they are friendly to the environment.

A menstrual cup is a little soft cup developed from medicinal grade silicone. It is placed inside the vagina and instead of absorbing the fluid during menses it collects it. Some of the benefits provided by the product include environmentally friendly, cheap, ethical and safe. This means that when you start using the product, you might not consider using pads or tampons again.

Many tend to think that these products are a recent innovation. However, the menstrual hygiene products have been in the market for a long duration of time like the tampons. The challenge that was faced by the product is that the manufacturer of the tampons concentrated on the extensive marketing of their product. Thus, many women purchased the tampons. This contributed to many people not being aware of the existence of cups.

Many people have believed that sanitary products which are disposable are the only option available. This is a Victorian idea that has been imposed on women which make them not be familiar with their body structure. The good thing about menstrual feminine hygiene products is that they make women aware of their anatomies.

In this current world where women are involved in busy activities during their day to day activities, it is essential that they should use convenient products during their menses. This will help them to be active during all times of the year. Menstrual cups are good for modern, normal and busy women. Enjoy the comfort that is provided by the cups by using them.

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