Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How Many People Are Employed In America Is A Source Of Embarrassment To Many

By Larry Hall

A lot of people are not working in the United States. Depending on what politician you are listening to, that reality may or may not come through. When the numbers are computed, a criterion that is called the work force labor rate is a factor. It is the lowest it has been since the 1970s and this further messes up the figuring. When you are trying to get the number of how many people are employed in America, you face a wall of misinformation in some cases.

There are approximately 320,000,000 persons in America. In 2007, the number of jobs that were available was about 143,000,000. That number of available jobs, not the number of people actually doing them, has come down since then. That automatically means there are less than that number working. It has been decided, quite a number of years ago, that the full employment rate is four percent.

This is the year 2017 and the powers that be are reporting the unemployment rate is about five percent. You will notice that this number is so fungible that whoever is reporting it reports the number they need in order to get more votes. Some people get the idea that, because of this, that number is not altogether accurate and fact based but just a political answer that means little.

When you discover, as you should, that the administration that reports these numbers are the ones who do the math to find them. Different White House personnel will use different criteria when coming up with them. People, such as yourself, wonders whether each administration uses the same things when they figure out the numbers. It often feels as if there is a big disconnect here.

The number of jobs available, now in 2017, is approximately 138,000,000 and there are about 95 million people out of the workforce. This number means that there are 95 million who have stopped working, were fired, laid off or other event and not looking for work for all kinds of reasons. This means that, with a basic math equation, at least five million jobs have been lost and, according to the current administration, never coming back.

The published unemployment rate would mean that there should be 160,000,000 people working. When you take that number, factor in the workforce labor rate and balance all of that against the unemployed based on people not being able to work, you get different numbers. The numbers that are accurate do not measure up to the officially reported ones.

The real problem in making sure that any numbers are accurate is because of what are called bias jobs. This name is given to a number made up because of a desire to give a positive spin on the economy and what the politicians are doing. They say that, for everything they are doing, there are so many jobs that just have to exist regardless of reality.

The reasons that many politicians lie about these employment numbers is that they really do not know the right ones. They use different methods for figuring them out and do not know what it takes to create a job or how they are kept. The things they do that they think is so good for business and those who create and retain the jobs that are retained only hurt those businesses so the numbers they do not know only go down all of the time.

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