Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Local Alkaline Coffee Los Angeles Suppliers In Your Area

By Elizabeth Reed

What we put into our bodies matters most for our overall well-being and general health. The body functions best in a non-acidic state which means that the pH balance of the body must be below the acidic level. There are many benefits to drinking alkaline coffee Los Angeles consumers because it helps the body to maintain its alkaline state.

When they body is too acidic, there is the chance of developing many diseases and illnesses that would otherwise not be an issue. The body should be in an alkaline state in order to enjoy optimal health. There are fewer instances of illness when the body's pH balance is good. Too much damage occurs from being in an acidic state and this is when our health suffers.

There are now low acid coffees available that many people can enjoy, even those with stomach problems such as acid reflux disease or commonly known as GERD. People with this condition can now enjoy their favorite morning beverage without the stomach upset and ill feelings they get from drinking regular coffee. This is good news because this variety of coffee is good for everyone with fewer side effects.

There are also many health benefits to drinking low acid coffees such as lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduced chance of getting heart disease or having a stroke, reduced chance of getting certain cancers, increased blood circulation, and improved mental focus and concentration. These are only some of the good benefits of this type of coffee, there are many others.

The pH levels in our foods and beverages vary depending on the makeup of the food or drink. Coffee's pH is somewhere in the 5.0 range. For something to be acidic is must be below 7.0. Anything 7.0 and above is considered to be alkaline. So the higher the number of the pH level the lower the acid and it is said to be alkaline. The lower the number of the pH level the more acidic a food or beverage is considered to be.

You can get the pH of a beverage or food tested but it is better to just purchase a low acid food or drink that already has this measured for you. There are many products available with a low pH level or non-acidic. If you are on this type of diet you can readily find these products in a health food store.

Some have switched to a completely acid-free diet and have been enjoying many health benefits because of it. They have reduced their chances of developing certain types of diseases and often look and feel at their best. They avoid foods and beverages that are considered to be acidic and enjoy a varied diet using foods and beverages that are alkaline in nature.

Finding local suppliers of low acid coffee can be as easy as doing a search online. You may find a supplier in your area that offers the products at a discount if you buy in bulk or you may find a health food store that offers the low acid coffees you are seeking. It is quickly becoming a popular item among consumers who find that traditional coffee has too many side effects and many don't like the crash associated with coming down off the caffeine. There is no crash when you consume low acid, low caffeine coffees.

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