Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Understand The Importance Of Using All-Natural Fabrics In Children's Clothing

By Amie Murrieta

Why Buy Organic?

Cotton is all around and utilized more than most other natural fibers. However, it is a staple that has yielded incredibly large amounts of pesticides. Organic cultivation of cotton has many advantages for the earth and is developed without the use of man-made manure or pesticides.

It is also important to note that no genetically modified seeds are ever used in these efforts. The soil is saved via crop rotation when crops or organically grown and weeds are manually disposed of in place of toxic chemicals. There are even organic methods of control for bugs that keep natural predators in hearty supply through diligent soil maintenance.

When you choose shirts and other children's clothing items that are 100 percent natural cotton, you make a responsible and safe decision.

What is the meaning of Fair Trade?

The WFTO or the World Trade Org. Has defined the practice of fair trade as being an ideology involving honesty, integrity, respect and communication with other nations that are committed to equitable trade as well. Unjust wages, child labor and forced labor are some of the problems that can be avoided through these practices.

Cotton Farming Fair Trade Efforts

Fair trade provides for a minimum price that covers expenses including a living wage for cotton farmers. It also makes it possible for co-op farms to pay for projects within the community. With this money, people receive education, clean water and medical care.

These tools give farmers the opportunity to earn promotions and to build relationships with buyers that are long-lasting. Organizations within the fair trade industry are democratically governed and are therefore required to respect worker rights. Child labor is never allowed.

A reasonable exchange of goods and care for the earth create sustainable agriculture. As a purchaser, your choice to buy fair trade items connects you to social change and equality. You also get a great product when you purchase children's clothing that is a product of 100 percent fair trade.

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