Thursday, December 27, 2018

Why Neon Lights Still Dominate The City Skyline

By Mary Barnes

It is always amazing to see the glow and glitter of city lights as these turn the night into day. The assortment of lights flickering from buildings and parks can just make your troubles go away. The light is of various hues, vibrant and vivid. Such a sight is so captivating that is favored by businesses as an avenue to promote their brand names. Have one for your business and get in touch with custom neon signs NYC.

In the early days of civilization, humans had to deal with the dangers that night time could bring. The fear factor was such that this necessitated the creation of night watchers to forewarn of any incoming danger. One can only imagine what it was like to huddle in caves in absolute darkness. It was only the discovery of fire and how to control it that gave a certain degree of illumination.

The night only turned to day with the invention of the incandescent bulb. Its invention though could not have been made possible with the technological advances in the field of electricity. Understanding electricity was the key to generating it. This was the beginnings of the modern day power plant. This led to the first lighting of a district in the home of the inventor.

With the production of electricity and how to harness it, now new technology began to advance in leaps and bounds. Various experiment on possible applications was conducted making discovery after discovery. One of these was an experiment on its effect on inert gases. These belong to the noble glass family in the periodic table of elements.

What we see as light emanating from a fluorescent tube is an example of how inert gases react to electrical discharges. This is similar to what happens when applied to these noble gases like neon, argon, krypton, radon, xenon, and helium inside a vacuum tube. These inert elements do not react to any substances even chemicals but it behaves peculiarly when hit with electricity.

During the experiment, it was also found out that different surges in electricity induced different colors found within the color spectrum. The glowing color was very clear and vivid. Scientists were very quick in developing this for industrial and business application. These developments were quickly embraced by large industrial firms as a medium for advertisement.

Without a medium to contain the gas and its reaction, this lighting system would not have been manufactured. There is only one substance that is transparent for the colors to be seen, and the glow to emanate, and the reaction to be contained, glass. It can be molded into any desired form and size. It is the became the perfect medium to make the lights.

Today this technology is fully harnessed by business and industries. The glowing signs of logos, names, and various figures fill the city skyline at night. It is a good medium for advertisement. The glow and colors of these are very well entrenched in entertainment centers as it entices potential customers. The flicker of these is such a sight to see even in modern times.

These lights have been around for quite some time and are still in wide use. The demand for it is still increasing as marketing strategies find it a very cost effective way of communicating products and businesses to the consuming public. The recent LED technology consumes lesser power but it just does not produce the glow and color that only neon lights can produce.

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