Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Lighting Up With A Reflow Soldering Oven

By Jason Davis

When a person wakes up in the morning, the first thing that many of them will do is to turn over on their side, pick up the phone, and then hit the snooze on their alarm. They do this in order to get ten more minutes of sleep. Depending on the individual in question, they will either hit the snooze again and again, or they will finally get up. Once they are up, they will clean and nourish their bodies in various ways. Once that is accomplished, they will put on clothes. As soon as they are clothed, they will venture out into the world. Now, this venturing will generally only go as far as the office, where they render labor for about eight hours a day, five days a week. They do this in order to receive a paycheck. But the work they do would not be possible without equipment, and a portion of that equipment would not be possible without a reflow soldering oven.

When most people think of ovens, they think of kitchens. They picture in their minds cakes and other goodies. But this is not that kind of oven. It is a different kind entirely.

Rather, reflow soldering is a process by which electrical components are attached to their circuit boards. It is done in four stages. The first in the preheat. Then there is the thermal soaking. Once that is done, it is on to the reflow. Finally, there is the cooling.

Such devices are used for one reason. Because they help speed up the manufacturing process. This is so that the devices that people want and need are on shelves as soon as possible.

Because the internet is a thing that exists, it should be easy enough to acquire such an oven. Just type in a few keywords into a search bar, hit ENTER, and wait for the internet to do its thing. Once it does, the locations of merchants should be easy to locate. Then there is always the option of just buying it online. That leads to extra convenience as it can then be delivered right to the home.

Of course, if an item is up for sale, there will generally be a price that has to be paid for it. This is because the manufacturers need to make money in order to keep producing their products and justifying their own existence, and then the merchants also have to pay the manufactures to acquire the items they sell. Sure, they get a deep discount, but it is still not free, so the price they sell it at will be significantly higher than free as well.

Time is money. So it should be wasted. But time spent waiting for an order to arrive is time that could be spent productively. Unless the item being delivered is absolutely necessary for the task at hand or in the process as a whole.

Then there is quality. The equipment should actually work. It should not break down after a short period of time.

Being alive was not meant to be easy. But mankind is stubborn. So it went ahead and decided to make it easy.

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