Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Research Labs Use Microscope Incubator For Observation

By Catherine Clark

Transportation technology gives a way for people, animals, materials, and finished goods to be moved from one place to another. Land transportation boasts of trains, automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles. Air transport makes use of airplanes and rockets. This has made immigration easy and with it the transfer of diseases. Technologists are studying these using a microscope incubator.

Cultivation of crops began as people settled in riverbanks where water was available. The rich soils provided man land area where plants can be planted and harvested. The yearly inundations kept the ground fertile. Dung was used as fertilizers to enrich the soil and provide plants with nutrients for growth. Organic farming is in vogue today as more people are conscious of their health.

Genetically developed plants and animals took years and years of observation and study. Information and data is carefully collected through observation. Molecular and cell growth are can only be seen by using modern optical gadgets that magnify images up to a million times. This allows the observer to see things that are not visible to ordinary eyes.

The telescope was invented in order to see distant objects in the sky. Stargazing was popular during the renaissance period. The heavenly bodies attracted observers who wanted to know more about the heavenly bodies. This was later refined and miniaturized and eventually transform into a microscope. Instead of seeing objects from far away, it magnified very tiny objects that are barely noticeable with ordinary sight.

The modern gadget consists of lenses and metal piping that are positioned in specific way as to maximize light entering it. The instrument could be manipulated by the observer to refine the image and make it sharper. The lenses in the device are high grade and are termed as compound lenses.

While early microscopes depended on light, technology came to the fore with the development of the electron based gadget. This device uses electrons rather than light. It works on the same principle but with the replacement eyepieces with electromagnets. This allowed for a higher resolution of the sample that is being observed.

Environmental technology makes devices that reduce the adverse effects of technology on the growth of living organisms. The hybrid rice which uses genetic engineering is encouraged by governments the world over. Recycling of plant parts is an example. Burning biological materials has caused harm and degraded the air quality that hominids breath.

Lasers, prosthetics, ultrasound, medications are examples of medical technology. All can make easier the diagnosis of injuries and diseases. Some can cause infertility and cancer. The stethoscopes that are commonly seen hanging on the necks of a doctor is a basic tool in hospitals. This allows the health care specialist listen to the breathing, pulse, and heartbeat of a person.

Human life is precious and living life today has become so complicated that diseases and accidents happen every day. Science is in the forefront with medical technology applications that can observe internal organs and molecular structure of viruses and bacteria that causes diseases. The natural bodily resistance to germs has deteriorated with each passing generation as more people eat chemically laced food.

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