Thursday, August 18, 2016

How To Use A Moon Cup

By Shirley Barnes

Tampons and sanitary pads are considered to be the only two solutions for your menstrual cycle and they are not very comfortable to use. Things have changed in the recent time with the emergence of a new product in this category known as the moon cup and its popularity is increasing day by day.

It is a menstrual cup made out of silicon and especially designed to provide comfort and ease to women during their menstrual cycle. It is regarded as an eco friendly product as less waste is created if you compare its use to other sanitary products. This product is getting more and more popular and has become an excellent replacement for tampons or pads.

This item was initially presented in the UK, however now its accessible in nations like USA, Australia and different parts of the world. You will like it actually on the grounds that it is to a great degree helpful to utilize and doesn't bring about a distress. There is no mischief in attempting it for once and afterward choose whether you need to utilize it all the time or not.

It doesn't contain any harmful products like toxins, bleaches or dyes. Also, the silicon used in its production is certified as medical grade product. This is the reason why every woman finds it good for her whether she has normal skin or sensitive skin.

The item is intended to give you ideal level of solace amid those excruciating days of your month. Not at all like tampons, these doesn't bring about any kind of dryness by any stretch of the imagination. Your characteristic equalization is not hurt at all and you would feel safe whilst utilizing it. You no more need to stress over getting spilled.

Another good thing about this product is that, it can be regarded as green in nature. This means less harm is caused to your surrounding environment if you is this instead of using other sanitary products. It is a estimate that a woman nearly uses over 12000 sanitary pads in her lifetime. Which means, more waste into the landfill causing more pollution.

It is really a reusable silicon glass which is inside worn. Rather than engrossing the menstrual liquid, this glass gathers it inside and holds it until you evacuate it, clean it and afterward set it back once more. Its imperative to place it in legitimately else it won't work as it ought to do. The good thing is that you can utilize the same container various number of times.

It collects much more than a pad or a tampon which means you don't need to get it emptied on a frequent basis. You would not only save money whilst using it, but at the same time less waste is collected so it helps the environment as well. Its safe to use during the night and also when you're travelling, or doing other physical activities like water sports and other things. One cup would last for several years provided you use it the correct way.

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