Thursday, June 14, 2018

6 Smart Ideas For Organizing Estate Sales Saskatoon Shoppers Will Buy Out

By Christine Stewart

If you're in charge of cleaning out the home and belongings of a family member who has passed away, you may be feeling overwhelmed, especially if this is your first experience with organizing such a sale. Once all the relatives have had a chance to remove the items that were left to them, or have special significance, you will be ready to get started. Hosting estate sales Saskatoon shoppers will flock to is a matter of following some simple steps, and keeping a sense of humor.

Overpricing is one of the most common mistakes people make. You can't afford to be sentimental when you are selling. If there are items of special significance to you, maybe you need to buy them from the estate before the sale. Otherwise, put them out for the public at deep discounts. If you have items of real value, you can go online and research the asking prices for comparable things. An appraiser or antiques dealers can help you with values as well.

Once you have advertised a date and time for the sale, you are committed and have to be prepared. Most shoppers will drive, and there has to be designated parking. If the sale's in a neighborhood, you might need orange cones to keep shoppers from obstructing neighbors' drives. It's a good idea to have a person in every room that is open to buyers. This person can answer questions and cut down on stealing.

You will need plenty of change and small bills in a good cash box. You might as well accept the fact that shoppers will expect you to take personal checks. Having a credit card machine available is a real plus. Shoppers will spend significantly more if they can put the purchases on plastic.

Shoppers will stay longer when you offer refreshments. This is especially true during the summer when it's hot, and people get thirsty. You can sell cold drinks and snacks for a few dollars at an out of the way table. Manning this table is a good job for reliable teenagers.

Pets and little kids need a babysitter. With all you have to do, you don't need to have a crying baby on your hands at the same time. You also don't want a curious shopper to open a closed door and let out your beloved cat or dog. You can always take the cost of a babysitter out of the proceeds of the sale.

It's a good idea to leave items where people expect to see them in the house. Instead of moving everything around, leave the kitchen items in the kitchen and the bathroom items in the bathroom. This will make it easier for shoppers to find the things that interest them.

Having an estate sale is one of the easiest ways to dispose of small items a loved one left behind. Once everything is gone, it will be much easier to prepare the real estate for sale. If you plan carefully you will make some money and have fun doing it. You might even decide to do it again with your own belongings.

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